Friday, October 3, 2008

third time is the charm

I start, I stop, I quit, I delete, I move on to a new platform and I start again. Why? For lots of reasons, not all good ones. I once had a livejournal, and then a typepad journal, and I am on my second flickr account (deleting the first one was a huge mistake). Most recently I let go of my typepad account because I felt aimless, lacking direction, and disapointed in myself and what I was creating.

I am doing this again, and doing it differently. First blogger is free, so I can't feel extravagent. Second I am introducing myself as a dabbler and I refuse to be ashamed of that. I am not here to promote a creative business that I do not have time to devote myself to. I am not trying to impart my philosophy on parenting or the joys of my family life. I am not going to talk you through my exploits in slow cooking or making handmade clothes. I work over 40 hours a week, sometimes I like sewing, sometimes I don't, sometimes I am just too busy.

I do miss partaking in the blog culture and the friends I made, so we will see if this works.

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