Thursday, October 16, 2008

out of office response

Sorry, I got quiet there - no actually this is my new no stress blog, so I should not be apologetic for occasional absences. Anyways I am in Chico, CA right now. I've been here all week for work. We are offering some workshops on collections care for museum folks. Chico is cuter than I had expected, there are lots of sweet older houses on tree lined streets. Clay and I went to UC Santa Cruz together and I could see us living in a small college town again.

My co-worker and I watched the debate last night at our hotel and I was so creeped out by McCain. We watched on CNN and they were doing this split screen coverage of it. McCain was having such bizarre reactions and making the oddest faces. Did anyone else notice? It seriously distracted me from what both of them were saying! He has really been giving me the heeby-jeebies lately!

1 comment:

Leciawp said...

That picture is hilarious. And he has always given me the heebie jeebies!